11 February 2011

Rankin & Alex Box

After our group meeting today we revised the idea of dreams and what we wanted to achieve with our photos. We looked at this series of images photographed by Rankin and we liked the idea of progressing from light to dark as if someone was having a dream that was turning into a nightmare.
We are keen to create something similar to this using make-up and through some surreal styling. In the first few photos we want the look to be pristine, innocent and fragile and in each shot the model is becoming more and more disheveled until the last few shots in which the model will become a moody, frenzied mess -traumatized by the nightmare.
We were thinking of doing between 6-9 images so we can show the transformation gradually and it will hopefully look more effective.

We have booked the studio for next week and we have a few possible models lined up.
Regarding the models we have decided to use a male model to create an androgynous look and also to mix it up a bit with the make-up.
I have a theatrical make-up kit which I am confident using so I will be doing the hair and make-up.

We are having another meeting on Monday to discuss models, styling and make-up ideas and we are doing a test shoot on Tuesday evening to prepare for our final shoot the following weekend which if all goes to plan will leave us a week to select our final images and allow time for post-production.

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