30 March 2011

Group meeting

After our first group meeting we came up with the concept of education preparing thousands of children in primary school to be shipped on to secondary school and then college, university etc until they are 'picked' to  work in a specific job. This 'academic journey' reminded us of a mass produced assembly line similar to ones that would be found in huge factories. We are going down the route that suggests that education prepares everyone in such a way that no-one can break the mould and the ideal is acquiring skills and knowledge so that ultimately you can be hired by a company that only wants you for the talents you possess. People are no longer individuals when it comes to business they are just a name and a list of knowledge that may or may not meet the specific criteria required to work in a certain job. CV's and interviews don't represent a person truthfully. Creativity is shunned, you are expected to conform.
It is quite a cynical view on education however I think it will translate brilliantly into a series of photos.

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